Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Nemiha V. the Glass

Lance and I had walked through the rain heading over to our neighbors house to watch a movie Sunday night. The short story is.. Me, glass & Rain don't mix. I grabbed a small glass from the cabinet, it slipped out of my hands I tried to catch it (I know... Don't catch glass) what I caught was the already broken half and the sharp point went about a half inch deep into my finger. Lance thinks I need stitches but there is no way I'm going to the ER just so they can tell me I should have super glued it.
So here is my hand. steri-stripped to hold everything together. Good thing I have steri-strips and superglue left over fro my c-section. they worked great!
yea... it's about and inch across and a half inch deep


Erin said...

basically, that makes me want to puke and it feels like my toe nails are being pried up and things are crawling under my skin just thinking about that. gross.

Nikki said...

Oh girl! I agree with Lance, OUCH!!!

Lisa Marie said...

Ditto to what Erin said. :) Maybe you guys should go plastic. hehe

Wonder Woman said...

Yowza. That looks bad...and painful! Glad you still have 10 fingers, though.