Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What yesterday was like.

Whenever I post I always feel as if I need to add a photo to make the post more "exciting" or something to that effect. Lately I have been up to my ears with different jobs, to-dos, stresses, yelling randomly at people and starting a the computer for hours at a time. Don't get me wrong I am extremely grateful that I am able to do all these things. Although, I have been neglecting what should really come first and that is my family. When I get stressed everything else gets ignored. for example... I don't cook, Clean (like it did that much int he first place... haha) or even relax anymore. Lance on the other had can juggle things really well. to show how our days differ:
wake up go to work, try not to yell at people for being stupid, 8 hours later... pick of lawn fertilizer, come home take care of the lawn, walk inside, head straight to the pantry and start taking everything out so he see what type of design he needs for food storage. we sit together to put some cans in order.. (which he ends up fixing) eats dinner, around 10:00pm he does the dishes, reorganizes ALL of the cupboards then starts to relax.

Wake up (earlier then Lance I might add), get baby, change and feed her... yummy bananas. get all of her crap ready for the day. run upstairs try to get ready for the day then head to work. most days I drop Avi off at the sitter but lately I have been taking her with me. Work.. technically it's not an 8 hour day because I leave early to do photo shoots and plus in the middle of the day I play cake mania=) Then I headed down to Orem for an engagement shoot.. oh they were so CUTE! then home, started making dinner, had to stop to help lance with the pantry cans, finished making dinner, heading up stairs to do some editing, one hr later I bathe Avi get her all ready and put her to bed. walk downstairs glare at the dishes again. head back to edit. 3 hours later (10:30) walk downstairs to start dishes.. already done by wonderful husband. he asks me a bunch of random questions about the pantry, i say yes (although i have no idea what he just said) back upstairs to edit. Baby cries, move her from crib to our bed. more editing. 12:00 brush teeth get ready for bed. realize i forgot to edit a couples photos... one little girl moved and a face transfer later we are good. off to bed... 12:30.


Wonder Woman said... does Lance do more?! You both sound busy. I get the same way, though - when I'm stressed, my house goes to pot and I'm not a good mom/wife. And sometimes I feel like I'm busy all day, but have accomplished nothing.

Anyway.....I hope you can feel less stressed soon. Really. Stress is no fun.

Fugere Family said...

Wow! and I thought my day is crazy with a 20 month old. I don't feel too bad for going to bed at midnight a lot of the time. Ross does the dishes too although we kill two birds with one stone and while Ross does the dishes I read the scriptures to him otherwise we get to bed even later.
Emeline and I were in CA mid sept to the end. As crazy as it sounds all three of us are going there in a week. My brother Scott gets home from his mission. Look who's talking your daughter has all the glamour shots.

Teril said...

yup those are the days right. I bet you are busier since you've got the baby, me-I have accomplished the well in hand act of doing evrythng while holding the baby. Evidently she enjoys tipping sideways getting into the washer, folding laundry( while she unfolds), seeing first hand how pancakes are made and especially wiping slobbery just got a tooth and covered in babyfoodness all over my clean self after the shower while I tried to read today =) You guys are all sooooooo cute though =)

bethi said...

oh, i can totally relate! Ive stayed up until 1:30 am the last two nights..(matts deer hunting)...and Im still doing laundry!!