Sunday, September 26, 2010

week in review

I am in the process of finishing not 1 but 3 different refashions for Thursday's deadline.. it's a nail biter< but i am having fun coming up with different ideas. Next thing to tackle will be the dress design for the Shabby Apple Dare to design which dealine is Oct 15th. Although only a drawing is requiring I think I might make one of the designs because it just doesn't look good on paper and I think it will look better sewn together.
The weather has been beautiful so I have been taking advantage of it. Going to parks, playing outside, talking walks. it has been wonderful. the ohter that I was telling Husband that I wish it would get cold already so I can start weraing my swetares and also start complaining about how I wish it were warm.

1 comment:

love birds and a few chicklets said...

i love that both girls look sped in this photo!