These were all taken on my cell so I don't know how well you can see them.
I would like to point out that My child is wearing a princess dress on the outside of her PJ's. So the other day my dad showed her that there was a box of princess dresses and she has been head over heels in LOVE with them ever since. I'm sad to say that I'm actually missing the Nemo phase because I'm not to sure how I like the Enchanted one. =) I was a few nights ago that Avi was "sleeping" and I hear a little knock at her door around 10:30 pm so I go and see if she is ok. the first thing she does is swing the dress around and say princess. So what do I do, put her in the dang thing and put her back to bed...
It makes me laugh that she does some of the cutest things and says funny phrases. I think "it happens" is my favorite so far followed by "oh my goodness" and her newest one "Oh sure"
I hope this made sense.. it's late and I am trying to stay awake... (oh if there are any spelling errors... tough)
ADORABLE!!! I just love her.
SO CUTE! I love having my little "Princess" around! I love that she makes my husband be the Prince and dance with her all around the house! Gotta love little girls!
I would love a box of princess dresses. I wonder if my father could find one like yours did.
sooooooooo sweet........
Aman Toor
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