Friday, February 5, 2010

If I were a person of Interest would I be an interesting person?...

If it were practical then I would wake up each morning and dress like this:

even though the clothes wouldn't be good to wear while I was scrubing out a bathtub but I would really like to incorporate this look into my day to day life. Their is something about a dropwaisted dress and a cloche that just appeals to me. Maybe it is my need to wear dark purple lipstick... who knows why I want to dress like this but I do!
Maybe one day I will break free of my t-shirts and jeans and finally make a statement... oh I think a crafty project is in my near furture. TO THE FABRIC STORE!!!


Farley said...

to bad there is no good fabric stores in A-town

The Studes said...

i know seriously...

Christina said...

You are the perfect person to pull off this look! (;

love birds and a few chicklets said...

Ok I love this look... Logan was just telling me the other day that he thinks I should have grown up in the "roaring twenties" lol. I wish I had the money to be more fashionable! If you find any cute patterns that you think I could pull of let me know and I will do likewise. Have fun!

R.A. said...

Oh man...good taste.