Saturday, February 13, 2010

Reaching for the small goals.

I'm am sure most if not all of you have heard the phrase "Reach for the Stars." It's a very nice way to put thinking BIG in terms of.. well pretty much anything and everything. While I work I have a tremendous amount of time to think and when I don't want to think I watch Hulu.
Tonight I was thinking about what I would like to accomplish in the next 5 years, then I came across my horoscope which read this very simple and yet somewhat profound message "Sometimes reaching smaller goals is much more valuable than reaching the big ones." Valuable huh? I started making a mental list of all the little goals I could accomplish, taking my BIG goals and breaking then down. Instead of just saying "pay off debt" I put my "debt" into a specific order inwhich to pay off. I think it will work, for me at least.

Reach for the smaller goals and the stars are just steps away.


One Fish said...

I totally agree.

ace said...

hey will you please read our blog and try to spread the message to everyone...... v r working on a website currently and hopefully it will be ready in a few days. thanks

lesapeamusings.blogspot said...

So true. Keep the insights coming.

Aaron said...
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Alona said...

Thanks for making me think!! I'm glad you have "thinking hours"...I'm sure my life would be less crazy if my mind had time to think...someday!! What a great quote that is...Thank you for your post, I needed to hear that too!

Team Russi said...

I just clicked on "next blog" and stumbled across your post. What a great horoscope. Sometimes the big picture is overwhelming. I can handle small steps. It reminds me of Bill Murray in "What About Bob"... baby steps out the door, baby steps on the bus... haha.

Have a great week, and good luck with your small goals!