Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stupid Noble Collection..

I am a nerd. I will be the first to admit it. I love all things Harry Potter. If you were to ever talk to my husband he would tell you that I have read the books over and over and over again. I have a full size custom broomstick that my father purchased for me from the company that was making brooms for the films. and I also have 8 yes I did say 8 replica wands from the recent movies. 
The Noble Collection must not have gotten the memo that said I was completely broke and by no means am able to purchase any more wands. But what do they do anyway...   Send me a freaking catalog that has only Harry Potter items and everyone's wands from the last two movies...


So I am flipping through this catalog and have already marked which ones I would like. some of them I just couldn't care less about. Such as Parvati Patil.. I would like Snapes, Malfoys and also Bellatrix's, ok maybe Luna or Fleurs too just so I would have 12.. 

Freak, My husband was right I am slightly Lame. (although I'm sure he wasn't thinking slightly.)

So um.... who's excited for Friday!!??

I am


chickadee3357 said...

what happens friday? :)

The Studes said...

oooh kelli, thats worth a smack... lol

Liz @ Arty McGoo said...

ME ME MEEEEEEE! I don't own any wands, but I could take anybody in a game of HP trivia. Oooh, the gauntlet has been thrown!