Saturday, April 30, 2011

Book Review - Maggie Steifvaer - Shiver series

I'm going to guess that this series only has 3 books, I can't fully make that judgement call considering the third book "forever" has yet to be released. So far so good, each of these books were hard for me to really get into, most likely due to the fact they they read slowly at first and when all the recaps and info was out of the way you could really dive into the "action" action not being the correct word but it works for right now since I'm not going to think of a better word.

The Question is will I read the third book?
Answer: most likely, I am intrigued to see what the author will do in a third book, but will I rush t get it?.. not really.  their are far better books that are being released this year that are further up on my list then this one.

It could also be the fact that I'm not a huge fan of

1 comment:

Teril said...

How about zombies? Forest of Hands and Teeth was great.
Yeah these two were slow for me and not as amazing as everyone put them out to be but they do make great fodder for bookclubs.