Thursday, October 9, 2008

Leafs changing... and so is Avi

As the leafs are changing it makes me excited for the months to come. Tons of FiRsTs! Not just for AviJae but for our whole family. We will be doing lots of outdoor activities. pumpkin patches, trunk or treats, PLUS I'm so excited for Halloween. I only wish I could step away from work just for an afternoon to photograph Avi more. Snap shots are one thing but I need some creativity. I can't tell you how many pictures I have taken with our couch in the background.. lol

The other day I was able to sneak away after dinner. I knew I had only 30 mins to take a couple of pictures. this one was one I liked the most. She kept looking down staring at the field spiders that were running everywhere.
I swear she does smile... just not when I want her too!


Erin said...

she is SO pretty!! i LOVE her eyes. so cute

One Fish said...

Aw that's a cute one! We will take some fun pumpkin patch pics. I already informed S that I will be dressing him.

Kariann said...

Oh my gosh that is such an amazing picture of Avi! She is gorgeous! :) I know she smiles, I've seen it!! lol

Wonder Woman said...

so sweet. that's a cute sweater, too.