Sunday, January 20, 2013

"old" before the new

Before I start with the new I want to backtrack a few weeks and begin with the semi old. Granted I haven't been very good this last year at keeping up with this blog and I believe it was for a good reason. Miss Bug started preschool in August (I think I may have blogged about that) She amazes me everytime she comes home and tell me what she has learned for that day. Her teacher is wonderful and I wish for the sake of her education they could all be like that. she will be 4 in March and already knows how to read. READ!! I mean goodness I don't feel old enough to have a child that reads, I believe I will take credit for this achievment. :)
She got a little brother this last week and the few weeks before he came I tried to make everyday special so she doesn't feel as if mommy doesn't love her as much. we went on lunch dates, played games, had late bedtimes, ate way to much sweet stuff. I swear that child on sugar is INSANE!  it was fun until it got ridicuously cold which kept us inside for a while. didn't quite stop her from going outside to play in the snow.

Even playing in the snow this girl is decked out in a skirt. 

MLH took her out sledding one night after he got home from work. she had so much fun and also loved having the one on one with dad. 

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