Thursday, November 1, 2012

Miss Tinkerbell

Miss I currently have an opinion about everything wouldn't budge from the back porch when I asked her if she wanted some picture sin her costume. Then after posing with out me taking pictures she said she was done so I had to ask her if we could take 4 pictures since that is how old she was. Yeah little turkey can count and I took a few more over 4 and she proceeded to tell me that "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" I'm sure I had a shocked look on my face then I agreed and we went inside.

It was really nice out yesterday for trick or treating. Which I am very happy for because I had purchased tights for Bugs to wear with her costume to keep her legs warm and the have officially disappeared. I have no clue where they are. Kinda hoping they will show up soon.


One Fish said...

Good job N. It's adorable.

Christina said...

Good job! So much better than the store bought Tinks I saw the last couple days! (:

Unknown said...

You are so cute, bug!